Liverpool Nursery adheres to the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework which promotes teaching and learning and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through nursery and life.

Liverpool Nursery operates according to several policies, some of which are summarised below. Full copies can be seen at the Nursery Office.

Child Protection Policy: The aim of this policy is to ensure that staff and parents are aware, that whilst in our care the safety and welfare of the child is paramount.

Equal Opportunities Policy: Our aim is to ensure that no child is excluded or disadvantaged on the grounds of religion, culture, ethnic background, disability, gender, language, special needs or ability.

Health and Safety Policy: The Nursery is committed to the achievement of the highest practicable standards of health and safety at work for all employees. This commitment is based on the desire to protect everyone’s wellbeing while at work and on the recognition that the highest standards of health and safety in our operation are essential to improving our efficiency as a business.

More Able Pupil Policy: We recognise that all children have individual needs, which puts personalised learning at the heart of our teaching. We are committed to providing a sufficiently challenging curriculum for all our pupils. In addition, we will provide opportunities to identify and nurture those who are more able in their abilities.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 10am – 4.30pm
Sat: 9.30am – 3.00pm
Sun: 10.00 am – 3.00pm
Public Holidays: as advertised